In an unexpected turn of events that has stunned the sports world, Ben Hebert, the celebrated Canadian curler known for his remarkable skills and leadership, has announced a significant and...
In a deeply emotional announcement, Curling Canada has revealed the replacement for Rachel Homan, one of the sport’s most celebrated and influential figures. This decision, made with a heavy heart,...
In a dramatic turn of events at the 2024 Women’s Games, Canadian star Mathilde Halse collapsed during a crucial event, sparking significant concern for her health and well-being. The...
Kirk Muyres, a well-known figure in the sports or entertainment world, has recently made headlines as his estranged birth mother publicly revealed the reasons behind her decision to abandon him....
In an emotional reveal that has stunned the curling community, Canadian curler Jasmin Lander has opened up about a long-held personal secret that has left fans both heartbroken and inspired....
In a heart-wrenching revelation that has left Canadian curling fans in tears, the late Sandra Schmirler’s family has shared a deeply personal secret that had been kept hidden for...
In a touching moment that left fans deeply moved, Canadian curling star Kaitlyn Lawes has unveiled a long-held personal secret that has been concealed for years. The revelation came...
In a move that has left the sports world reeling, Viktor Kjäll, the renowned head coach of the Canadian national curling team, turned down a staggering $400 million contract extension...
In a somber announcement today, Viktor Kjäll, the esteemed head coach of the Canadian national curling team, revealed his decision to step down from his position due to health concerns....
It’s exciting news to hear that Joane Courtney has returned to Team Homan with full commitment. As a prominent figure in the curling world, Courtney’s return marks a significant development...